Diversity is a critical component of the recruitment agenda for any organisation seeking to develop a forward thinking, modern and progressive environment in an ever changing business environment.
Increasing and developing workforce diversity gives life to creativity and innovation, through the development of understanding of the needs of employee, customer and client needs.
Crucial to the success of any business is the ability to draw inspiration from a wide range of sources, and often, one of the best sources is from within.
By developing a strategy to embed diversity into the recruitment process, a business is more likely to source a wide range of high quality candidates from a wide range of cultural, lifestyle and social backgrounds.
A diverse recruitment strategy attracts the best candidates, regardless of background, who are able to think outside of the box' in a range of creative ways.
Very often, an organisation that has a very diverse mix of staff, well defined diversity policies and a well embedded diversity strategy, is able to distinguish itself as an employer of choice.
Whilst this is important, it is more important to ensure that polices and practices within the business are sufficiently robust, both on paper and in practice.
This will help to develop an overall workplace environment that truly supports diversity and inclusive practice, and the diversity of candidates that you seek to attract.

Inclusive workforce planning enables a business to look at the workforce needs for the future
It helps a business to plan strategically to build a workforce that is both inclusive and fit for purpose.
By integrating an inclusive workforce planning strategy and implementing diversity and inclusion training across your organisation, you will reap the benefits of diversity long into the future.
Watch our YouTube Video below to learn about the importance of diversity in the recruitment process.
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Kenroi Consulting is a bespoke diversity consultancy providing tailor made solutions for businesses across the UK.
W: www.kenroi.com T: 0203 633 1185 E: info@kenroi.com