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A diversity consulting team sitting around a tablemeeting

What is Diversity Consulting?

Diversity consulting is the branch of professional consultancy that supports organisations, in the area of diversity and inclusion. 


The provision of consultancy can take several tailored forms and includes both advisory and the implementation of services, training, projects and other initiatives.


Diversity consulting is a B2B business activity in which diversity consultants provide expert knowledge and expertise to help a business to achieve quality outcomes. 


Before you partner with a diversity consultant or consultancy, always be sure to learn more about the pitfalls of choosing a diversity consultancy on the internet.

What are the Benefits of Diversity Consultancy?

Diversity consultants are hired to support clients with a dilemma, through which specialist expertise or knowledge is needed, that the client is often lacking internally.

Diversity consulting firms are independent and can provide the client with objective analysis of their problems.  They design and deliver tailor made solutions, aligned to client needs.  

A diversity consultancy can also partner with clients to deliver longer, or more detailed projects.

a team of consultants wearing suits smiling at camera

Engaging a consultancy firm can also be more cost and time effective, than hiring experts internally. 


Diversity consultants cover a range of specialist areas, including strategy, human resources, management, operations and technology.

This helps to increase the value of consultancy towards advancing business outcomes.

Having gained experience in diversity over many years, across sectors, diversity consulting professionals are well placed to use their expertise, either internally or externally to the client premises, to support strategy and implementation.

Types of Diversity and Inclusion Consultancy

There are several segments of diversity consultancy that help businesses to manifest diversity and inclusion and drive inclusive business processes.  We explain the most common types of diversity consultancy and how they enable organisations to better engage with common themes of inclusion.


It is important to note that the best diversity consultancy, regardless of the area in which it operates, should consult from a strategic viewpoint. 


This supports organisations to the embedding and fostering of an inclusive environment that it built on a robust strategy, with suitably aligned activities for development.

Strategic Diversity Consulting

Strategic diversity consulting enables clients with the development of long-term planning for the development of diversity and inclusion.   

It supports clients to analyse, develop, execute and assess plans for realising diversity goals across the diversity and inclusion agenda. 

This type of consulting is focused, primarily, on increasing the effectiveness of business strategy. 


It helps senior leaders and senior managers to support and improve diversity and inclusion.

flowchart detailing strategy and planning

Strategic diversity consultancy assists corporate sector organisations to develop functional and organisational priorities in the planning cycle. 

It also supports public sector organisations to develop policy and strategic initiatives to build diversity and inclusion at a strategic level.

Operations Consulting
a business improvement cycle graphic with diversity consultant in background

Diversity operations consulting is another advisory and/or implementation service, used by clients to improve internal operations.  

It supports clients to surpass performance targets and develop value across diversity and inclusion agendas.

Operations consulting in diversity enables managers to create more value for employees, customers and clients.  It supports the implementation of changes to organisational culture, business processes, talent acquisition frameworks and other parts of the business value chain.


Operations consulting can cover a wide range of business areas, including human resources and information technology, which help your organisation to operate in a more inclusive way.

Human Resources (HR) 

diversity consultants sitting around a table in conversation

Diversity consulting within the human resources framework, supports all aspects of human capital advisory and HRM consulting. 


This type of consulting assists organisations to embed diversity and inclusion into human capital management and HR functional processes. 

It includes a wide scope of services and can range from the development of policy frameworks and employee benefits programmes to talent acquisition and learning and development.

Information Technology 

Tech diversity consulting is a popular and growing area of consulting.  It can be broken down into two distinct areas:

Firstly, it relates consulting services aimed at helping clients to utilise information technology and digital to optimise employee and customer user outcomes. 

This involves consulting on a range of system and infrastructure adaptations to enable IT users.

a globe suspended over a hand with words diversity in tech sector

Secondly, tech diversity consulting relates to specific consulting aimed at increasing diversity and inclusion across the technological sector. 

five women stitting on red and grey chairs with tables in foreground

In recent times there has been an increasing focus on gender inclusion within the tech sector.

Under-representation in gender and race are topical issues across the IT sector.

Tech sector consulting to increasing diversity to secure more creativity of ideas that will enhance marketing and corporate branding efforts across the technological space.

It is an advisory and/or implementation service, supporting organisations to value diversity within technology.  It is relative to technological teams, customer influence and brand optimisation.

Management Consulting

Diversity management consulting is an advisory or implementation consultancy service. 


This type of specialist consulting aims to improve the efficiency of business strategy, organisational performance and operational processes. 

a blue graphic of consulting with consulting highlighted

It is important to the governance of strategic diversity and includes diversity marketing and branding to help organisations increase brand positioning and competitiveness.

How can Diversity Consultancy help my Business?

By engaging a professional diversity consulting firm, you access specialist expertise in this area. This will ensure that you are better able to solve critical business problems.  

Clients receive the qualified assistance of experienced diversity consultants.

Diversity consulting supports your business to build robust practices across business frameworks. 

It supports managers to develop strategy and projects, to increase traction towards diversity and inclusion. 

professional diversity consultancy team of five holding contracts in files

Professional diversity consultancy helps businesses to foster diversity and inclusion as a key principle of business and organisational development.

Appointing a bespoke diversity consultancy helps you to achieve diverse and inclusive outcomes that support business branding, effective workplaces and a stable increase in competitiveness.

Next Steps

Kenroi Consulting can help you with a wide range of diversity consulting solutions.

Our brand of diversity consultancy will support you to achieve your goals!


Read our blog post about choosing a diversity consultancy.

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